Empowering a community of merchants to reach the unbanked

Accorn utilizes a network of local merchants, in areas where traditional banking usually doesn’t have a presence,…

  • Client: Accorn - Agency Banking
  • My role: User Experience Design
  • Project type: Mobile App - 2022

The Future of Money in Africa

Manilla is conceived as a response to the increased demand by cryptocurrency users for a platform that allows them to perform all activities without switching from one application to another

  • Client: Manilla Crypto Wallet
  • My role: UI/UX Designer and Researcher
  • Project type: Mobile App - 2022

Bringing a world class network service closer to the customers

Positioning Meeds network online for a wider reach

  • Client: Meed Networks
  • My role: UI/UX designer (Contract)
  • Project type: Web Design - 2022

Unlocking every SME and BIG Co. potential with the ultimate people management tool!

HumanManager all-in-one solution that takes care of your payroll, reporting, staff record and human capital management needs.

  • Client: HumanManager
  • My role: Product designer (Full-time)
  • Project type: Web Design- 2022

Agro investment at your finger tips

One of the biggest agro-real estate investment platforms in Nigeria is Jadek Farms. I created their smartphone application so that representatives and farmers could scale and sell agricultural products at suggested prices.

  • Client: Jadek Farms
  • My role: UI/UX designer
  • Project type: Mobile App - 2022

Turbocharging financing for SMES

Tamarind aims to fully automate loan application process, and provide micro loans to SMEs

  • Client: Tamarind
  • My role: UI/UX designer
  • Project type: Mobile App - 2020